An Introduction to the Special Issue: Contributions of Executive Functions to Academic Skill


Executive functions (EFs) resist easy definition, both within and across fields of study. Therefore the question “What is (are) executive functions?” is an important one to address in its own right, from both theoretical and practical perspectives, and particularly if the result is to cross disciplinary lines. However, the focus of this special issue regards a more specific practical question: “How do executive functions contribute to our understanding of academic skill?” This question is pertinent for students with learning disabilities, as well as for other neurodevelopmental disorders in children where learning difficulties have often been implicated.


Cirino, P. T., & Willcutt, E. G. (2017). An introduction to the special issue: Contributions of executive functions to academic skill. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(4), 355-358. doi:10.1177/0022219415617166

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