Implementing Tier 2 and Tier 3 Reading Interventions: What Can Research Tell Us?
Recorded August 18, 2010
Although many schools implement RTI frameworks in primary grade reading, several questions remain. For example, how long should Tier 2 be provided? Who can provide these interventions? How many students can we expect to have adequate response to interventions? How can Tier 3 interventions be individualized to meet students’ needs and still be implemented with fidelity? Dr. Carolyn Denton, Associate Professor in the Children’s Learning Institute (University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, TX), provides insights on these topics from studies conducted through the Texas Center for Learning Disabilities and other reading intervention research.
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Dr. Carolyn Denton
Dr. Carolyn Denton is an Associate Professor in the Children’s Learning Institute, part of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston. She conducts research in schools focused on reading intervention, Response to Intervention (RTI) models, coaching as a form of professional development, and reading comprehension. She is currently a co-investigator for the Texas Center for Learning Disabilities, a research center funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to study RTI.