Measuring Responsiveness: Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring
Recorded April 11, 2011
This presentation reviews recommendations 1 and 4 of the Institute of Education Sciences practice guide Assisting Students Struggling with Reading: Response to Intervention (RtI) and Multi-Tier Intervention in the Primary Grades. Recommendation 1 states that all students should be screened for potential reading problems at the beginning and middle of the year. Recommendation 4 states that progress monitoring of Tier II students should occur at least once a month and that the resulting data should be used to determine whether students still require intervention.
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Dr. Amy E. Barth
Dr. Amy E. Barth is an assistant research professor at the University of Houston’s Texas Institute of Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics. Dr. Barth is a graduate of the University of Kansas Department of Speech Language Pathology. Her interests include the identification and treatment of students with language and learning disabilities.