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Mobilizing Volunteer Tutors to Improve Student Literacy: Implementation, Impacts, and Costs of the Reading Partners Program
Organization: What Works Clearinghouse (Institute of Education Sciences)
This study examined whether participation in Reading Partners, a supplementary program that provides eligible elementary school students with individualized tutoring from community volunteers, had an impact on reading achievement. Students who participate in Reading Partners are in kindergarten through fifth grade, 0.5–2.5 years behind grade level in reading, conversationally fluent in English, and do not have an individualized education program. Students in both groups received their school’s standard reading curriculum and other supplementary reading programs offered by the schools. The study authors reported that the Reading Partners program led to statistically significant improvements in reading fluency, reading comprehension, and sight word efficiency (pronouncing printed words), measured with three standardized assessments. Tutoring was conducted both during school and after school.
The Potential for School-Based Interventions That Target Executive Function to Improve Academic Achievement: A Review
Organization: Review of Educational Research
This article systematically reviews what is known empirically about the association between executive function and student achievement in both reading and math and critically assesses the evidence for a causal association between the two. Using meta-analytic techniques, the review finds that there is a moderate unconditional association between executive function and achievement that does not differ by executive function construct, age, or measurement type but finds no compelling evidence that a causal association between the two exists.
Response to Intervention for Reading Difficulties in the Primary Grades: Some Answers and Lingering Questions
Organization: Journal Learning Disabilities May/June 2012
The purpose of this article is to describe the current research base and identify research needs related to response to intervention (RTI) frameworks in primary-grade reading. Research is reviewed on early reading instruction and intervention, the implementation of multitiered reading interventions, and the determination of intervention responsiveness. Areas identified as in need of research include (a) the conditions under which early reading interventions are most effective in RTI contexts, (b) multitiered interventions for students with limited English proficiency, (c) reading instruction for students who make limited progress in Tier 3 intensive interventions, (d) criteria for determining intervention responsiveness, and (e) the effects of fully implemented RTI frameworks.
IRIS Center Module, PALS: A Reading Strategy for High School
Organization: IRIS
Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies for reading (PALS) is a reading intervention that uses reciprocal peer tutoring, highly structured activities, scripted prompts, frequent verbal interaction and feedback, and a competitive game format. This module guides teachers through the research base behind PALS and how to implement it with their high school students. The module also provides the materials required for implementation.
SWIFT Website: Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation
Organization: SWIFT, Wakarusa Research Facility, University of Kansas
SWIFT Purpose: SWIFT is a national K-8 center that provides academic and behavioral support to promote the learning and academic achievement of all students, including students with disabilities and those with the most extensive needs. Inequality in education hurts. This organization works to transform education so that it benefits each and every student, their families, and ultimately the communities across the U.S. in which they reside. They are currently working with many schools across many states. Check out their resources online.
Dropout Prevention: Check & Connect Intervention Report
Organization: What Works Clearinghouse -IES
Check & Connect is an intervention to reduce dropping out of school.The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) identified two studies of Check & Connect that both fall within the scope of the Dropout Prevention topic area and meet WWC group design standards. Two studies meet WWC group design standards without reservations. Together, these studies included 238 students who attended Min- neapolis high schools and entered the program in the beginning of ninth grade. These two studies include students that receive special education services for a learning, emotional, or behavioral disability. (May 2015)
A Blueprint for Effectively Using RTI Intervention Block Time
Organization: Education Development Center, MA
Many schools have adopted schoolwide intervention blocks as a component of response-to-intervention (RTI) implementation to ensure that students who need intervention are receiving it. This resource presents a blueprint of how to organize intervention block time within an RTI framework. The authors provide a rationale for creating a schoolwide intervention block, and describe how to effectively implement an intervention block while avoiding potential pitfalls.. Specific planning considerations are outlined and suggestions for monitoring fidelity of implementation are presented.
A Literature Map of Dropout Prevention Interventions for Students with Disabilities
Organization: National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities
This resource presents a synthesis of 19 studies examining the effects of interventions intended to reduce dropout rate in secondary students. In order to be included in the synthesis, a study had to include students with disabilities in its sample groups and report outcomes for these students. The authors describe the interventions, outcomes, sample characteristics, and methodological characteristics for each study included in the synthesis. Recommendations for practice, future research, and policy are discussed.
Repeated Reading
Organization: WWC Report-Policy Research under contract ED-IES-13-C-0010.
Repeated reading was found to have potentially positive effects on reading comprehension and no discernible effects on alphabetics, reading fluency, and general reading achievement for students with learning disabilities. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) identified two group design studies of repeated reading within the scope of the Students with Learning Disabilities topic area that meet WWC group design standards. Both studies meet WWC group design standards without reservations. Together, these studies included 78 students with learning disabilities from grades 5–12 in two different locations.
Teaching Academic Content and Literacy to English Learners in Elementary and Middle School (Practice Guide)
Organization: IES-What Works Clearinghouse
This practice guide provides four recommendations that address what works for English learners during reading and content area instruction. Each recommendation includes extensive examples of activities that can be used to support students as they build the language and literacy skills needed to be successful in school, including examples of how the recommendations align with Common Core and other contemporary state standards. The recommendations also summarize and rate supporting evidence. This guide is geared toward teachers, administrators, and other educators who want to improve instruction in academic content and literacy for English learners in elementary and middle school.
Using Evidence-Based Decision Trees Instead of Formulas to Identify At-Risk Readers
Organization: Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
This report examines a simpler method for identifying struggling readers to determine its accuracy in comparison to a more complicated approach.
Effectiveness of a Program to Accelerate Vocabulary Development in Kindergarten (VOCAB): First Grade Follow-Up Impact Report and Exploratory Analyses
Organization: Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
This study spotlights a kindergarten program focused on vocabulary building and investigates whether participating students retain their new vocabulary knowledge into the first grade.
Secondary Reading Instruction (Part 2): Deepening Middle School Content-Area Learning with Vocabulary and Comprehension Strategies
Organization: The IRIS Center
This Module examines some of the reasons that adolescents struggle with content-area text and overviews effective strategies teachers can use to improve the vocabulary and comprehension skills of students with a wide range of abilities and across a variety of subjects.
Effective Instruction for Adolescent Struggling Readers-Second Edition
Organization: National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII)
This suite of resources developed by the Center on Instruction has two purposes. First, it is designed to guide the delivery of instruction for adolescent struggling readers, particularly secondary interventions in the general education context. Second, it seeks to deepen technical assistance providers’ knowledge of reading-related issues for adolescents with reading difficulties and learning disabilities and enrich providers’ work with SEAs and LEAs.
Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 through 8
Organization: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), What Works Clearinghouse (WCC)
The goal of this practice guide is to offer educators specific, evidence-based recommendations that address the challenge of improving mathematical problem solving in grades 4 through 8. The guide provides practical, clear information on critical topics related to improving mathematical problem solving and is based on the best available evidence as judged by the authors. This practice guide provides five recommendations for improving students’ mathematical problem solving in grades 4 through 8: 1. Prepare problems and use them in whole-class instruction. 2. Assist students in monitoring and reflecting on the problem-solving process. 3. Teach students how to use visual representations. 4. Expose students to multiple problem-solving strategies. 5. Help students recognize and articulate mathematical concepts and notation.
Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for Elementary and Middle Schools
Organization: Institute of Education Sciences
Taking early action may be key to helping students struggling with mathematics. The eight recommendations in this guide are designed to help teachers, principals, and administrators use Response to Intervention for the early detection, prevention, and support of students struggling with mathematics.
Monitoring Student Progress for Behavioral Interventions (DBI Training Series Module 3)
Organization: National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII)
This module, developed as part of the National Center on Intensive Interventions data-based individualization series. The module focuses on behavioral progress monitoring within the context of the DBI process and addresses: (a) methods available for behavioral progress monitoring, including but not limited to Direct Behavior Rating (DBR), and (b) using progress monitoring data to make decisions about behavioral interventions. Upon completion of the module, viewers will be able to 1) Select and define meaningful target behaviors for progress monitoring; 2) Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using Systematic Direct Observation versus Direct Behavior Rating; 3) Plan and carry out data collection to monitor a target behavior; individualize Direct Behavior Rating forms; and 4) Use graphed progress monitoring data to determine when intervention changes are needed.
Behavioral Intervention Chart
Organization: National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII)
This tools chart presents information about studies that have been conducted about behavioral intervention programs. Ratings are provided for Study Quality, including ratings from our TRC members on the technical rigor of the study design; Study Results, which provides information about the findings of the studies; Program Information, or information about the intervention including the target behavior it addresses and implementation requirements; and Additional Research, which provides information about other studies and reviews that have been conducted on the intervention.
Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities or Difficulty Learning Mathematics: A Synthesis of the Intervention Research
Organization: Center on Instruction
This guide for teachers is a companion piece to the meta-analysis from the Center on Instruction, Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities or Difficulty Learning Mathematics: A Synthesis of the Intervention Research. Based on the findings of this report, seven effective instructional practices were identified for teaching mathematics to K-12 students with learning disabilities. It describes these practices and, incorporating recommendations from The Final Report of The National Mathematics Advisory Panel as well, specifies research-based recommendations for students with learning disabilities and for students who are experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics but are not identified as having a math learning disability.
Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities or Difficulty Learning Mathematics: A Guide for Teachers
Organization: Center on Instruction
This guide for teachers is a companion piece to the meta-analysis from the Center on Instruction, Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities or Difficulty Learning Mathematics: A Synthesis of the Intervention Research. Based on the findings of this report, seven effective instructional practices were identified for teaching mathematics to K-12 students with learning disabilities. It describes these practices and, incorporating recommendations from The Final Report of The National Mathematics Advisory Panel as well, specifies research-based recommendations for students with learning disabilities and for students who are experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics but are not identified as having a math learning disability. This document supports improvements in mathematics instruction for implementation of School Improvement Grants (SIG) requirements. It also supports implementation of College & Career Ready Standards (including Common Core State Standards) for mathematics.