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Introduction to Data-Based Individualization (DBI): Considerations for Implementation in Academics and Behavior (DBI Training Series Module 1)
Organization: National Center on Intensive Intervention
This training module provides a rationale for intensive intervention and an overview of data-based individualization (DBI), NCII’s approach to providing intensive intervention. DBI is a research-based process for individualizing validated interventions through the systematic use of assessment data to determine when and how to intensify intervention. Two case studies, one academic and one behavioral, are used to illustrate the process and highlight considerations for implementation.
School-wide Positive Behavior Support: Implementers’ Blueprint and Self-Assessment
Organization: Technical Assistance Center on PBIS
The purpose of this blueprint is to present a rationale for adopting school-wide positive behavior support (SW-PBS), describe the key features of SW-PBS, and illustrate processes, structures, and supports of SW-PBS. The resource explains how SW-PBS works within a three-tier framework. Features of the blueprint include descriptive task checklists, sample forms and worksheets to assist task completion, and detailed examples.
Self-Regulated Strategy Development: Using Learning Strategies to Enhance Student Learning
Organization: The Iris Center for Training Enhancements
This online module, developed by the IRIS Center for Training Enhancements, describes strategy instruction, self-regulation, and the implementation of Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD), an instructional model that is particularly effective with diverse populations of students, especially individuals with reading and learning disabilities.
How do I know if the RTI tools and interventions I am using are evidence-based?
Organization: The Center on Response to Intervention
This video features Dr. Allison Gandi, principal researcher at the American Institutes for Research, discussing the definition of an evidence-based practice and how to examine the research behind it.
Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center (CLDRC)
Organization: Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center (CLDRC)
The long-range objectives of the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center (a sister Center to the TCLD, also funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) are the identification, characterization, validation and amelioration of reading disabilities (both word-level and comprehension), writing disabilities (both writing mechanics and composition), and ADHD, the most prevalent and often, co-morbid disorders of childhood.
International Dyslexia Association (IDA)
Organization: International Dyslexia Association (IDA)
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals with dyslexia, their families and the communities that support them.
Supporting Beginning Special Educators: Tips for School Leaders
Organization: The Iris Center for Training Enhancements
This module, developed by the IRIS Center for Training Enhancements, discusses ways administrators and campus leaders can provide support for beginning special education teachers. The module discusses issues unique to special education positions and resources for curriculum and instruction, professional development, and administrative support, which can increase a teacher’s effectiveness in the classroom.
SOS: Helping Students Become Independent Learners
Organization: The Iris Center for Training Enhancements
This module, developed by the Iris Center for Training Enhancements, describes how teachers can help students stay on task by learning to regulate their behavior. The four strategies discussed are self-monitoring, self-instruction,goal-setting,and self-reinforcement. After reviewing the Perspectives and Resources section and after completing the accompanying activities, the reader should: (a) Understand self-regulation techniques, (b )Know when and where it is appropriate to use self-regulation strategies, and (c) Be able to describe the steps used to implement each of these self-regulation strategies.
Academic Intervention Tools Chart
Organization: National Center on Intensive Interventions (NCII)
The National Center on Intensive Intervention publishes this chart to assist educators and families in becoming informed consumers who can select intervention programs that best meet their individual needs. The National Center on Intensive Intervention defines Intensive Instructional Intervention as additional or alternative intervention programs to the core curriculum conducted in small groups or individually with evidence of efficacy for improving academic outcomes for students whose performance is unsatisfactory in the core program. The chart reports information on four aspects of the studies/interventions: (1) Study Quality, (2) Effect Size, (3) Intensity, and (4) Additional Research.
2b or Not 2b: Preparing for Algebra in Multi-tiered systems of Support
Organization: Barbara Dougherty of the University of Missouri and Karen Karp of the University of Louisville
This resource, developed by Barbara Dougherty of the University of Missouri and Karen Karp of the University of Louisville focuses on mathematics research-based strategies that can support student understanding at both conceptual and procedural levels. Specifically, this resource teaches how to implement a diagnostic interview to collect in-depth information about a student’s knowledge and mental strategies and provides strategies to support students at Tier 1 and Tier 2 struggling with mathematics
Synopsis of “Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading”
Organization: Center on Instruction
This synopsis from the Center on Instruction provides an overview of the findings presented in the Writing to Read report conducted by Graham and Herbert including implications for practice
Identifying Professional Development Needs in Mathematics: A Planning Tool for Grades 3-7 – Second Edition
Organization: Center on Instruction
This resource from the Center on Instruction provides a mathematics needs assessment tool for aligning benchmarks and standards to facilitate the examination of student data relative to the benchmarks that can be used to plan for professional development for teachers
Teacher Development Series: Text Complexity and Common Core State Standards
Organization: TextProject
TextProject’s “Teacher Development Series” helps teachers acquire the knowledge and skills needed for teaching text complexity as described in the Common Core State Standards. It is a series of five modular lessons, each with guidance for teacher leaders, teacher educators or staff development leaders as well as activities for teachers.
Secondary Reading Instruction: Teaching Vocabulary and Comprehension in the Content Areas
Organization: IRIS Center
This module describes how teachers can incorporate vocabulary and reading comprehension skills instruction into content-area lessons and will introduce you to a variety of effective practices—including the use of graphic organizers—to help students better understand what they read.
Using Student Center Activities to Differentiate Reading Instruction: A Guide for Teachers
Organization: Center on Instruction
This guide describes a suite of Student Center Activities offering teachers a wide range of activities to engage students in differentiated reading activities during small-group work in the classroom. The activities target specific skills, scaffold student learning, and provide engaging practice to extend student learning and increase the time focused on critical reading skills at all levels of reading proficiency. Originally prepared for use in Florida schools, these activities are appropriate in any elementary school context and are consistent with scientific research on reading instruction.
Assessments to Guide Adolescent Literacy Instruction
Organization: Center on Instruction
This guide, a companion volume to two other publications from the Center on Instruction, Academic Literacy Instruction for Adolescents and Improving Literacy Instruction in Middle and High Schools: A Guide for Principals, provides information about the key elements of a comprehensive assessment plan to improve literacy instruction for adolescents. It also shows examples of assessments and assessment systems currently in use or under development to improve literacy instruction for students in grades 4-12.
Improving Literacy Instruction in Middle and High Schools: A Guide for Principals
Organization: Center on Instruction
This “quick start” guide for principals of both middle and high schools from the Center on Instruction identifies three goals for secondary school literacy initiatives and provides elements of instruction required to meet these goals. It then outlines the critical elements of a school-level literacy action plan that schools implementing School Improvement Grants (SIG) and/or College and Career Ready Standards (including Common Core State Standards) should consider when planning for effective literacy instruction in middle and high school.
Considering Tier 3 Within a Response to Intervention Model
Organization: RTI ACTION Network
This article, developed by the RTI Action Network, provides a general overview of special considerations pertaining to the provision of Tier 3 prevention and intervention efforts. Specifically, this article describes a self-questioning process to guide decision making at Tier 3.
Screening for Mathematics Difficulties in K-3 Second Edition
Organization: Center on Instruction
This second edition of Screening for Mathematics Difficulties in K-3 Students, which was originally published in 2007, updates the document with new research in the assessment field in developing valid and reliable screening measures for early mathematics difficulties. It focuses on valid and reliable screening measures for students in kindergarten and first grade but also examines data on screening tests for second and third graders, since the goal of screening is to identify students who might struggle to learn mathematics during their initial school years. This document supports using screening data to identify students struggling in mathematics for implementation of School Improvement Grants (SIG) requirements.
Effective Literacy and English Language Instruction in the Elementary Grades (Practice Guide)
Organization: Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
This practice guide provides specific evidence-based recommendations to address effective literacy instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs) in the elementary grades. In particular, the guide includes specific recommendations for district administrators and indicates the quality of the evidence that supports these recommendations.