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Implementing Data-Informed Decision Making in Schools: Teacher Access, Supports and Use
Organization: U.S. Department of Education Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development
Implementing Data-Informed Decision Making in Schools: Teacher Access, Supports and Use, developed by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, presents an analysis of district and school use of data systems to improve instruction which can be used to provide guidance for the implementation of data-informed decision making.
Essential Components of RTI—A Closer Look at Response to Intervention
Organization: National Center on Response to Intervention
Essential Components of RTI—A Closer Look at Response to Intervention, developed by the National Center on Response to Intervention, identifies and describes the essential components of RTI: a school-wide, multi-level instructional and behavioral system for preventing school failure; screening; progress monitoring; and data-based decision making for instruction, movement within the multi-level system, and disability identification.
CSR: A Reading Comprehension Strategy
Organization: IRIS Center for Faculty Enhancement
The Iris Center has developed this module to provide an overview of the collaborative strategic reading (CSR) strategy used to improve reading comprehension.
Campus Leadership Response to Intervention Data Management Tool
Organization: The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk
The Campus Leadership Response to Intervention Data Management Tool (RTI-DMT), developed by the Building RtI Capacity project team at the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, is a series of linked Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that help campus leaders monitor progress in meeting campus goals to prevent learning difficulties within a response to intervention framework. Directions for using the RTI-DMT are provided in a User’s Guide. The RTI-DMT and User’s Guide can be downloaded for free by visiting the Building RTI Capacity website below.
Features of state response to intervention initiatives in Northeast and Islands Region states
Organization: Northeast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory
This report, developed by REL and the Institute of Education Sciences, describes an analysis of documents related to RTI that are publicly available on state education agency web sites in the nine Northeast and Islands Region jurisdictions: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the Virgin Islands. This document concludes that RTI is supported in seven jurisdictions as an overall school instructional improvement approach or an approach to determining special education eligibility. It also finds that RTI documents in the seven jurisdictions address the core features of RTI as defined by the National Research Center on Learning Disabilities.
The Student Assistance Team and the Three-Tier Model of Student Intervention
Organization: New Mexico Public Education Department
The New Mexico Public Education Department has developed a manual that provides guidance and tools for its school districts and charter schools to use in order to build technically sound systems to effectively implement RTI.
The IDEA Partnership Collection on RTI
Organization: The IDEA Partnership
A Partnership Collection, a website developed by The IDEA Partnership, provides access to a comprehensive collection of materials and resources to assist the understanding of Response to Intervention (RTI) processes. The collection is designed to assist learning about Response to Intervention and best practices for its implementation on all levels– federal, state, and local.
The Status of State-level Response to Intervention Policies and Procedures
Organization: U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences
Response to intervention (RTI) can be both a system for providing early interventions to struggling students and a special education diagnostic tool for evaluating and identifying students with specific learning disabilities. Contributing to the very limited literature on state-level approaches, this report developed by the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences describes how nine states define and support RTI at the state level, based on data collected between June and August 2008.
Culturally Responsive Response to Intervention
Organization: The National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems
Culturally responsive educational systems are grounded in the belief that culturally and linguistically diverse students can excel in academic endeavors. This resource is an online professional learning module developed by NCCRESt, consisting of three “academies” designed to (a) introduce culturally responsive RTI, (b) use data to assess student progress and inform decision making, and (c) ensure culturally responsive supports. Each academy provides a facilitator manual, Presentation, and participant handouts.
Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports: Innovation Configuration Matrix (ICM)
Organization: Kansas State Department of Education
This matrix developed by the Kansas State Department of Education describes the principles and practices within a Multi-Tier System of Supports. It focuses on the essential system components that are consistent across all ages (early childhood through high school) and across all domains (academic and behavior). The primary use of this matrix is to assist in the understanding of a multi-tiered system and describe what it may look like when implemented within a district, building, or other community agency.
Progress Monitoring Within a Multi-Level Prevention System
Organization: RTI Action Network
Progress Monitoring Within a Multi-Level Prevention System, developed by Lynn S. Fuchs for the RTI Action Network, includes information on how progress monitoring is used within a multi-level prevention system.
Universal Screening for Reading Problems: Why and How Should We Do This?
Organization: RTI Action Network
Universal Screening for Reading Problems: Why and How Should We Do This, developed by Joseph R. Jenkins and Evelyn Johnson for the RTI Action Network, includes information on early screening of all students to identify those at risk for academic and/or behavior difficulties.
Tiered Instruction and Intervention in a Response-to-Intervention Model
Organization: RTI Action Network
Tiered Instruction and Intervention in Response-to-Intervention Models, developed by Edward S. Shapiro for the RTI Action Network, includes a detailed explanation of the multi-tiered instructional components of RTI.
The RTI Data Analysis Teaming Process
Organization: RTI Action Network
The RTI Data Analysis Teaming Process, developed by the RTI Action Network, includes information by Joseph Kovaleski and his colleagues from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania describing a Data Analysis Teaming process and providing a script for team meetings that allows all team members to be involved in planning for every student’s academic performance.
Schools, Families, and Response to Intervention
Organization: RTI Action Network
Schools, Families, and Response to Intervention, developed by the RTI Action Network, includes information from Amy Reschly on how RTI is an opportunity to bring about meaningful change in family-school relationships, allowing for the creation of engaged partnerships between educators and families through collaborative, structured problem-solving efforts.
Bill East: Effective Ways for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to Engage State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Schools Regarding RTI
Organization: RTI Action Network
Bill East: Effective Ways for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to Engage State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Schools Regarding RTI, developed by the RTI Action Network, includes information highlighting some of the important issues education agencies should consider related to RTI.
RTI and Mathematics Instruction
Organization: RTI Action Network
This article from the RTI Action Network addresses RTI implementation in mathematics. It presents three considerations required for decision-making in RTI: Who needs intervention? What type of intervention is needed? And is the intervention working? It then discusses the importance of implementation fidelity and system change to ensure desired and sustainable outcomes for mathematical learning.
Implementing Response to Intervention (RTI) Using Title I, Title III, and CEIS Funds
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
This document from the U.S. Department of Education addresses how funds under Title I and Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) may be used to support Response to Intervention (RTI) in public schools. The document can be downloaded below. The document can also be viewed as a “talking” Presentation presentation. Susan Wilhelm (Title I) and Millie Bentley-Memon (Title III) from the Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs (SASA), Ruth Ryder from Special Education, and Kay Ringling from the General Counsel’s office provide the audio portion of the presentation. It can be accessed below. After the link opens, click “View flash presentation”; when the presentation opens, click on “Begin Presentation”.
Selecting a Scientifically Based Core Curriculum for Tier I
Organization: RTI Action Network
This article from the RTI Action Network discusses the RTI component of scientifically based instructions for all students–Tier 1. It also provides information on selecting a Tier 1 core program in reading, and addresses the issue of selecting core programs in other subjects of writing, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Field Studies of RTI Programs
Organization: RTI Action Network
This article from the RTI Action Network reviews published field studies on the effectiveness of different RTI models. The corpus of identified studies includes examples of the standard protocol model, the problem-solving model, and a combination of both.