A Series of Video Interviews Conducted by Reading Rockets With Principal Investigator Jack Fletcher
This series of 17 video interviews conducted by Reading Rockets with TCLD Principal Investigator Jack Fletcher covers topics related to dyslexia, early intervention, and more.
An Interactive Read-Aloud System for English Learners: Turn-and-Talk Routines and Sentence Stems
Developed by Project ELITE2 at The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, this video shows a classroom in action using the project’s read-aloud system for English learners with turn-and-talk routines and sentence stems.
View An Interactive Read-Aloud System for English Learners: Turn-and-Talk Routines and Sentence Stems
An Interactive Read-Aloud System for English Learners: Shared Writing—Creating a Gist Statement
Developed by Project ELITE2 at The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, this video shows a classroom in action using the project’s read-aloud system for English learners to create a gist statement.
View An Interactive Read-Aloud System for English Learners: Shared Writing—Creating a Gist Statement
An Interactive Read-Aloud System for English Learners: Teaching Vocabulary
Developed by Project ELITE2 at The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, this video shows a classroom in action using the project’s read-aloud system for English learners to teach vocabulary.
View An Interactive Read-Aloud System for English Learners: Teaching Vocabulary
Lessons for Improving Comprehension in Middle School
Recorded March 8, 2013
Christy S. Murray of The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk presents an overview of intervention lesson plans to support middle school students’ reading comprehension as they read brief novels chosen by the schools in which the research took place. The plans were developed and implemented by TCLD researchers. Murray describes each component of the lesson plans, presents examples from the novel units, and provides guidance on how teachers can develop their own lesson plans for use with other novels of their own choosing.
Materials referenced in the webinar are available here:
View Lessons for Improving Comprehension in Middle School
Teaching Older Students with Reading Difficulties and Disabilities: How Do We Do RTI?
Recorded Jan 12, 2011.
Dr. Greg Roberts and Dr. Jade Wexler, both of The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER), discuss year 2 of a 3-year, multisite (Austin and Houston, Texas) middle school reading intervention study, part of the Texas Center for Learning Disabilities. The project involved a randomized controlled trial study of a multitiered approach for middle school students with identified reading problems. The presenters discuss the study design, the standardized and individualized protocol interventions, results, conclusions, and implications.
View Teaching Older Students with Reading Difficulties and Disabilities: How Do We Do RTI?
Implementing Tier 2 and Tier 3 Reading Interventions: What Can Research Tell Us?
Recorded August 18, 2010
Although many schools implement RTI frameworks in primary grade reading, several questions remain. For example, how long should Tier 2 be provided? Who can provide these interventions? How many students can we expect to have adequate response to interventions? How can Tier 3 interventions be individualized to meet students’ needs and still be implemented with fidelity? Dr. Carolyn Denton, Associate Professor in the Children’s Learning Institute (University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, TX), provides insights on these topics from studies conducted through the Texas Center for Learning Disabilities and other reading intervention research.
View Implementing Tier 2 and Tier 3 Reading Interventions: What Can Research Tell Us?
Measuring Responsiveness: Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring
Recorded April 11, 2011
This presentation reviews recommendations 1 and 4 of the Institute of Education Sciences practice guide Assisting Students Struggling with Reading: Response to Intervention (RtI) and Multi-Tier Intervention in the Primary Grades. Recommendation 1 states that all students should be screened for potential reading problems at the beginning and middle of the year. Recommendation 4 states that progress monitoring of Tier II students should occur at least once a month and that the resulting data should be used to determine whether students still require intervention.
View Measuring Responsiveness: Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring
Identifying Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in a Response to Intervention Model
Recorded February 17, 2010
This webinar, presented by Dr. Jack M. Fletcher of the University of Houston, examines issues related to the identification of specific learning disabilities (SLDs) in the context of a response to intervention (RTI) model of service delivery. Consistent with current research, in any identification model SLD should be identified based on 3 primary criteria: evidence of adequate instruction, evidence of low achievement in one or more of the 8 domains of SLD in IDEA, and absence of other disabilities and conditions that explain (1) and (2). Contrasts with other proposed models are provided and methods for operationalizing the proposed model in the context of a RTI service delivery framework are provided.
View Identifying Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in a Response to Intervention Model
How Does Small-group Reading Instruction in Tier I Differ From Small-group Reading Instruction in Tier II?
Produced by the Building RTI Capacity in Texas Schools Project
This presentation on small group differentiated instruction was shared at the 2008 Response to Intervention Conference, Region I – Edinburg, TX 2008 and includes several video clips. To view the video clips within the presentation slides, click the movie icon in the upper right-hand corner of the slide and the accompanying movie will be played in your browser. When the video has ended, you can return to the PDF file to continue viewing the presentation slides.
Click here to download the presentation
© 2008 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency
Reading Instruction: Tier II
from the DVD A 3-Tier Model: Promising Practices for Reading Success, Produced by the Texas Reading First Initiative
Focusing on both leadership and instructional aspects of implementing a 3-Tier Model, the DVD from which this clip was taken can be used by administrators, coaches, educational trainers, or educators of preservice teachers to illustrate promising practices for implementing a 3-Tier framework successfully. This breakout segment provides perspectives on Tier II reading intervention.
Developed at the Vaughn Gross Center for Reading and Language Arts at The University of Texas at Austin with Texas Reading First funding provided by the Texas Education Agency.
© 2007 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency